retainers | Rivera Orthodontics Wed, 13 Dec 2017 07:30:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Retain Your New, Straight Smile Wed, 13 Dec 2017 07:30:25 +0000 The time has come for your braces to be removed and you are excited! You’re ready to show the world your new, straight smile. You are also looking forward to having a healthier smile that is easier to care for. You may be wondering, however, what comes after braces. In most cases, our orthodontist will [...]

The post Retain Your New, Straight Smile first appeared on Rivera Orthodontics.

The time has come for your braces to be removed and you are excited! You’re ready to show the world your new, straight smile. You are also looking forward to having a healthier smile that is easier to care for. You may be wondering, however, what comes after braces.

In most cases, our orthodontist will recommend a retainer after braces or aligner treatment. As the name suggests, a retainer is used to retain the new position of the teeth while the bones and ligaments of the jaw retighten and stabilize. If a retainer is not worn as recommended, the teeth can shift out of alignment.

Types of Retainers
Retainers come in removable and fixed varieties. You can easily take removable retainers out when you eat or brush and floss your teeth. Removable retainers are usually worn for at least a year after braces are removed. Hawley retainers are the most common type of removable retainer. They are custom made and are kept in place by a wire that wraps around the teeth. A more aesthetic type of removable retainer is made from a nearly invisible plastic. Fixed retainers, which are usually worn for several years, are cemented to the backs of the teeth.

Retainer Care
We suggest that you carry your retainer case with you and always use it when you’re not wearing your retainer. This can help you to avoid losing or damaging your retainer. To clean removable retainers, soak them in vinegar and water or denture-cleaning tablets. For a fixed retainer, going to your regular checkups allows your dentist to check for cavities and to make sure that the areas around your retainer are clean of tartar and plaque.

We welcome you to contact Rivera Orthodontics at 915-592-5853 today for more information about retainers in El Paso, Texas, and to schedule your next visit with Dr. Jaime Rivera.

The post Retain Your New, Straight Smile first appeared on Rivera Orthodontics.

How Orthodontics Can Boost Your Smile’s Beauty and Function Thu, 26 Oct 2017 16:58:40 +0000 The alignment of your smile affects your self-confidence and oral health. If you suffer from a bad bite, an orthodontic treatment may be best for you. To learn more about it, please read the following: – Given society’s desire for straight teeth, along with its oral health benefits, orthodontics focuses on doing just that: straightening [...]

The post How Orthodontics Can Boost Your Smile’s Beauty and Function first appeared on Rivera Orthodontics.

The alignment of your smile affects your self-confidence and oral health. If you suffer from a bad bite, an orthodontic treatment may be best for you. To learn more about it, please read the following:

– Given society’s desire for straight teeth, along with its oral health benefits, orthodontics focuses on doing just that: straightening teeth.
– Orthodontic aligners, retainers, and braces can help you achieve a set of beautiful, fully functional teeth.
– A straight smile is the ultimate objective of orthodontics through the correction of a malocclusion and any bad bites or disorders that adds to crooked teeth.
– In many cases, people believe that braces and aligners are only for young people, but they are just as helpful for adults and can straighten your teeth no matter what age you are.
– Orthodontists have a vast store of knowledge due to the fact that their training extends well beyond regular dental school. They can offer many treatments that dentists cannot and can give you the appropriate attention to accurately clean your smile.

Come and visit our dental team at Rivera Orthodontics to check if you are suffering from misaligned teeth. To book an appointment with Dr. Jaime Rivera and our team at our orthodontic office in El Paso, Texas, you can call us at 915-592-5853. We are here to help you get the perfect smile of your dreams!

The post How Orthodontics Can Boost Your Smile’s Beauty and Function first appeared on Rivera Orthodontics.
