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Oral Health Care Highlights: Types of Malocclusions

In order to ensure your smile can continue to thrive, it is important to routinely check your mouth from any indications of tooth slippage or bad bites. If a bad bite, also called a malocclusion, is present, it will need to be treated with an orthodontic therapy to straighten your smile. If you have any malocclusions with your incisors, they... read more »

Retain Your New, Straight Smile

The time has come for your braces to be removed and you are excited! You’re ready to show the world your new, straight smile. You are also looking forward to having a healthier smile that is easier to care for. You may be wondering, however, what comes after braces. In most cases, our orthodontist will recommend a retainer after braces... read more »

Recovering from a Tooth Extraction

If you’re preparing to have a tooth extraction, it’s important to make sure that your mouth has the proper chance to heal. Otherwise your mouth may be at a higher risk of infection or damage. Listed below are a few tips to help keep the process moving smoothly: - The most important thing to do after a tooth extraction is... read more »

How Orthodontics Can Boost Your Smile’s Beauty and Function

The alignment of your smile affects your self-confidence and oral health. If you suffer from a bad bite, an orthodontic treatment may be best for you. To learn more about it, please read the following: - Given society’s desire for straight teeth, along with its oral health benefits, orthodontics focuses on doing just that: straightening teeth. - Orthodontic aligners, retainers,... read more »

What to do About a Broken Retainer

You will invest a great deal of time not to mention a great deal of money, in orthodontics to straighten your smile. After all the time you have spent wearing your braces, cleaning them, and seeing your dentist for the necessary appointments, you won’t want all of that effort to go to waste. To make certain that your teeth stay... read more »

Invisalign® Corrects Minor Alignment Issues

The American Association of Orthodontists calculates that nearly one-third of American adults are unhappy with the appearance of their smiles. However, many of these same adults don’t like the idea of having braces for an average of two years. Does this fit your personal dilemma? Thankfully, due to the wonders of modern technology, you may be able to kill two... read more »

Malocclusions That Require Orthodontic Treatment

If your smile is improperly rotated, you probably are suffering from a malocclusion. Malocclusions are bad bites and misalignments present with your teeth and jaw. Bad bites can be the result of the environment, oral accidents, genetics, bad habits, improper oral hygiene, and a host of other conditions. Frequent malocclusions that require the aid of orthodontic treatment include: - Misplaced... read more »

Can Your Oral Health Be Improved with Malocclusion Treatments?

Have you ever been in for a malocclusion exam? A malocclusion is an alignment issue with your teeth or jaw where they do not function or align as intended. Usually, malocclusions can be fixed with orthodontic treatments and therapies designed to straighten smiles and improve oral health. Most malocclusions occur within the incisors, which are the front teeth in the... read more »

The Finer Details of Orthodontic Braces

If you require braces due to a misalignment in your teeth, our wonderful team at Rivera Orthodontics can get you on the path to a straighter smile in no time. Braces seek to straighten your teeth for a healthier smile. With braces, you can correct crooked teeth and set them straight once more. Orthodontic braces can give you the smile... read more »